자동차 자율주행기술을 항공기에 통합, 에어버스와 라이다(Lidar)의 루미나 제휴

Luminar Technologies is expanding its rider business from automobiles to aviation through partnership with Airbus. The latest in a series of partnerships between Lumina and companies such as Daimler, Volvo and Mobile Eye were announced on the morning of April 26. Until now, they have focused only on applying riders to cars on the ground, not on the sky.Luminar Technologies is expanding its rider business from automobiles to aviation through partnership with Airbus. The latest in a series of partnerships between Lumina and companies such as Daimler, Volvo and Mobile Eye were announced on the morning of April 26. Until now, they have focused only on applying riders to cars on the ground, not on the sky.City Airbus eVTOL, a four-seater multi-copter air taxi developed by Airbus, stands for Electric Vertical Take-Off and Landing and stands for Electric Vertical Take-Off and Landing.···blog.naver.comLumina, which has been operating secretly for several years and suddenly emerged as a self-driving car site in April 2017, became a listed company at the end of 2020. In February, the company announced that it would work with Volvo Cars to develop an expressway self-driving system and sell it to other automakers. The partnership between Lumina and Volvo’s self-driving software subsidiary, Zenseact, is based on their existing relationship with Volvo. The two companies are combining their technology to create a “fully self-driving car stack” of mass-produced cars described by Lumina founder and CEO Austin Russell. Volvo will be its first customer. Russell and Jensact CEO Wedgard Andersson said at the time that they planned to offer the system to other automakers.In order to sell self-driving systems to mass-produced vehicles, Luminar and Volvo subsidiaries have developed a self-driving system and are aiming to sell it to automakers. Volvo Cars (blog.naver.comAhead of its release last year, Lumina signed a supplier contract to supply its self-driving car rider to Mobile Eye, a subsidiary of Intel. The deal makes Lumina’s riders part of Mobile Eye’s first generation unmanned vehicle fleet, which is being tested in Dubai, Tel Aviv, Paris and Daegu, China.Airbus will tap Luminar to test how to make flight safer and more autonomous.Through partnership with Airbus, TechCrunch Luminar Technologies is expanding its Liminar business to non-automotive aviation. The collaboration with the French aerospace giant announced Monday morning is the latest in a series of partnership announcements between Luminar and the company. tcrn.chAirbus will tap Luminar to test how to make flight safer and more autonomous.Through partnership with Airbus, TechCrunch Luminar Technologies is expanding its Liminar business to non-automotive aviation. The collaboration with the French aerospace giant announced Monday morning is the latest in a series of partnership announcements between Luminar and the company. tcrn.chAirbus will tap Luminar to test how to make flight safer and more autonomous.Through partnership with Airbus, TechCrunch Luminar Technologies is expanding its Liminar business to non-automotive aviation. The collaboration with the French aerospace giant announced Monday morning is the latest in a series of partnership announcements between Luminar and the company. tcrn.ch

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