2023년 세상을 떠난 국내외 유명인사들

제프백: 2023년 1월 10일 향년 78세몰. 한국에서는 에릭 클랩튼, 지미 페이지와 함께 이른바 록 3대 기타리스트라는 제목으로 불리며 그 두 사람과 마찬가지로 야드버즈에서 기타를 연주했던 사람. 이들과 달리 상업적으로 큰 성공을 거두지는 못했지만 후대 기타리스트들에게 지대한 영향을 미쳤다는 평가를 받는다. 제프백: 2023년 1월 10일 향년 78세몰. 한국에서는 에릭 클랩튼, 지미 페이지와 함께 이른바 록 3대 기타리스트라는 제목으로 불리며 그 두 사람과 마찬가지로 야드버즈에서 기타를 연주했던 사람. 이들과 달리 상업적으로 큰 성공을 거두지는 못했지만 후대 기타리스트들에게 지대한 영향을 미쳤다는 평가를 받는다.

2. 리사 마리 프레슬리: 엘비스 프레슬리의 딸 마이클 잭슨의 첫 번째 부인이자 미국 싱어송라이터 심정지로 응급입원 후 사망, 아버지와 같은 사인으로 오래 살지 못하고 사망 2. 리사 마리 프레슬리: 엘비스 프레슬리의 딸 마이클 잭슨의 첫 번째 부인이자 미국 싱어송라이터 심정지로 응급입원 후 사망, 아버지와 같은 사인으로 오래 살지 못하고 사망

3. 윤정희: 2023년 1월 19일 사망. 한국의 오드리 헵번. 프랑스 파리에서 78세로 사망. (알츠하이머로 인한 사망) 3. 윤정희: 2023년 1월 19일 사망. 한국의 오드리 헵번. 프랑스 파리에서 78세로 사망. (알츠하이머로 인한 사망)

리즈시절 앙드레 김(왼쪽)과 함께 찍은 사진 리즈시절 앙드레 김(왼쪽)과 함께 찍은 사진

4. 나철: 1월 21일 사망. 건강 악화로 치료 중 사망. 콘크리트 유토피아 국회의원 보좌관역 4. 나철: 1월 21일 사망. 건강 악화로 치료 중 사망. 콘크리트 유토피아(영화) 국회의원 보좌관 역

5. 김영희: 1월 31일 향년 59세. 대한민국의 전 농구선수이자 역대 최장신 여자 농구선수. 거인병에 걸려 투병생활 중 2022년 10월 목을 다쳐 요양원에 머물렀으나 결국 급성호흡부전으로 세상을 떠난다. 5. 김영희: 1월 31일 향년 59세. 대한민국의 전 농구선수이자 역대 최장신 여자 농구선수. 거인병에 걸려 투병생활 중 2022년 10월 목을 다쳐 요양원에 머물렀으나 결국 급성호흡부전으로 세상을 떠난다.


6. 박인수 : 2월 28일, 향년 84세로 사망. 대한민국의 성악가(테너) 로스앤젤레스의 한 병원에서 노환으로 사망. 노스탤지어 듀엣 중 한 명(이동원 박인수) 6. 박인수 : 2월 28일, 향년 84세로 사망. 대한민국의 성악가(테너) 로스앤젤레스의 한 병원에서 노환으로 사망. 노스탤지어 듀엣 중 한 명(이동원 박인수)

https://0701.static.prezi.com/preview/v2/yxsuozn54f33tadifw6wttyms76jc3sachvcdoaizecfr3dnitcq_3_0.pngNo language detected.

Please check the input language, no language detected.

Please check the input language.

7. Lee Woo-young: He died on March 11 at the age of 50 and is a South Korean cartoonist and painter of “Black Rubber Shin.” He was found dead at his home in Ganghwa-gun, Incheon. (I was suffering from copyright litigation) 7. Lee Woo-young: He died on March 11 at the age of 50 and is a South Korean cartoonist and painter of “Black Rubber Shin.” He was found dead at his home in Ganghwa-gun, Incheon. (I was suffering from copyright litigation)

8. Kwon Byung-gil: Died March 11. Actor. The actor who created the famous meme of the public enemy. I think this is too much, C8. He died of old age at the age of 76. 8. Kwon Byung-gil: Died March 11. Actor. The actor who created the famous meme of the public enemy. I think this is too much, C8. He died of old age at the age of 76.

9. Lance Ledick: Died March 17 at the age of 60. He is famous for his role as Karon in the John Wick series. He died of natural causes. 9. Lance Ledick: Died March 17 at the age of 60. He is famous for his role as Karon in the John Wick series. He died of natural causes.

10. Lim Chang-soo: He died on March 25 at the age of 53. N.EX.T’s second generation guitarist. While riding a motorcycle while working in Vietnam, he died while being treated in an accident where he crashed into a telephone pole. 10. Lim Chang-soo: He died on March 25 at the age of 53. N.EX.T’s second generation guitarist. While riding a motorcycle while working in Vietnam, he died while being treated in an accident where he crashed into a telephone pole.

11. Ryuichi SAKAMOTO: On March 28, he died at the age of 71. The cause of death was rectal cancer. (Declared rectal cancer in June 2020) Japanese composer and musician. a musician known to the public through film music. He became the first Asian to win an Academy Award for Music. He composed music such as the movie “The Last Emperor.” He is also a composer of music plagiarized by Yoo Hee-yeol in 2022. (Very private night) 11. Ryuichi SAKAMOTO: On March 28, he died at the age of 71. The cause of death was rectal cancer. (Declared rectal cancer in June 2020) Japanese composer and musician. a musician known to the public through film music. He became the first Asian to win an Academy Award for Music. He composed music such as the movie “The Last Emperor.” He is also a composer of music plagiarized by Yoo Hee-yeol in 2022. (Very private night)

12. Sacred Heart Festival: He died on April 2 at the age of 74. Korean entrepreneur, founder of Dongshin Food, Korea Pizza Hut, Korea Roosters, Lotus Garden, and Songshinjae Pizza. Korean entrepreneur, founder of Dongshin Food, Korea Pizza Hut, Korea Roosters Lotus Garden and Songshinjae Pizza. 12. Sacred Heart Festival: He died on April 2 at the age of 74. Korean entrepreneur, founder of Dongshin Food, Korea Pizza Hut, Korea Roosters, Lotus Garden, and Songshinjae Pizza. Korean entrepreneur, founder of Dongshin Food, Korea Pizza Hut, Korea Roosters Lotus Garden and Songshinjae Pizza.

13. Brown rice: April 4, died at the age of 85. He made his debut with the current Sisters. It is famous for its night fog. According to the police, around 9:37 a.m. on the same day, Kim, the president of the fan club, found Hyunmi lying at her house in Ichon-dong, Yongsan-gu, Seoul, and reported her to the police and was taken to a nearby hospital. The body was transferred to the funeral parlor of Chuo University Hospital 13. Brown rice: April 4, died at the age of 85. He made his debut with the current Sisters. It is famous for its night fog. According to the police, around 9:37 a.m. on the same day, Kim, the president of the fan club, found Hyunmi lying at her house in Ichon-dong, Yongsan-gu, Seoul, and reported her to the police and was taken to a nearby hospital. The body was transferred to the funeral parlor of Chuo University Hospital

14. Autumn season: April 18, died at the age of 72. He was a South Korean judo player and father of Choo Sung-hoon. He died of a sudden heart attack (or heart attack) while playing golf. 14. Autumn season: April 18, died at the age of 72. He was a South Korean judo player and father of Choo Sung-hoon. He died of a sudden heart attack (or heart attack) while playing golf.

15. Bunbin: He died on April 19 at the age of 25. A member of the group ASTRO. Found dead at home in Cheongdam-dong. 15. Bunbin: He died on April 19 at the age of 25. A member of the group ASTRO. Found dead at home in Cheongdam-dong.

16. Seo Se-won: He died on April 20 at the age of 67. Former South Korean comedian, actor, film planner and pastor. Former South Korean comedian, actor, film planner and pastor. He died of shock while receiving an intravenous injection. 16. Seo Se-won: He died on April 20 at the age of 67. Former South Korean comedian, actor, film planner and pastor. Former South Korean comedian, actor, film planner and pastor. He died of shock while receiving an intravenous injection.

17. Cho Sang-gon: He died on April 21 at the age of 77. A South Korean actor famous for his role as a raccoon detective in Tacha. sudden death due to chronic heart and kidney disease. 17. Cho Sang-gon: He died on April 21 at the age of 77. A South Korean actor famous for his role as a raccoon detective in Tacha. sudden death due to chronic heart and kidney disease.

18. Jerry Springer: Died April 27. He died of pancreatic cancer. It is a flagship talk show broadcast on The CW, a U.S. terrestrial broadcasting channel. It aired from October 30, 1991 to July 26, 2018, and was hosted by Jerry Springer. Originally, it started as an authentic current affairs talk show, but the ratings were so bad that it turned into a ridiculous broadcast 18. Jerry Springer: Died April 27. He died of pancreatic cancer. It is a flagship talk show broadcast on The CW, a U.S. terrestrial broadcasting channel. It aired from October 30, 1991 to July 26, 2018, and was hosted by Jerry Springer. Originally, it started as an authentic current affairs talk show, but the ratings were so bad that it turned into a ridiculous broadcast

19. Kim Ara: He died on May 12 at the age of 29. A Korean trot singer. Discovering wills, making extreme choices. Geomeo Seawater is a stage name that was made at a considerable cost by going to a famous place, but it is said that the sea was used because there was not enough water in the sandbank. Later, he added the meaning of “deep and clear like the sea,” which was interpreted as Chinese characters. 19. Kim Ara: He died on May 12 at the age of 29. A Korean trot singer. Discovering wills, making extreme choices. Geomeo Seawater is a stage name that was made at a considerable cost by going to a famous place, but it is said that the sea was used because there was not enough water in the sandbank. Later, he added the meaning of “deep and clear like the sea,” which was interpreted as Chinese characters.

20. Lee Sung-min: Died May 17. “Announcer of the Republic of Korea” (KBS) died of a chronic disease. 20. Lee Sung-min: Died May 17. “Announcer of the Republic of Korea” (KBS) died of a chronic disease.

21. Andy Luke: He died on May 19 at the age of 59. The Smith bassist. He died of pancreatic cancer. 21. Andy Luke: He died on May 19 at the age of 59. The Smith bassist. He died of pancreatic cancer.

22. Ray Stevenson: May 21st Died at the age of 58 Died. An actor from Northern Ireland. ROME’s role as a tee-tooth pole. The cause of the death was unknown. 22. Ray Stevenson: May 21st Died at the age of 58 Died. An actor from Northern Ireland. ROME’s role as a tee-tooth pole. The cause of the death was unknown.

23. Tina Turner: Died May 24 at the age of 83. A singer, actor, dancer and choreographer from Nut Bush, Tennessee. He died of a chronic disease at his home in Switzerland. 23. Tina Turner: Died May 24 at the age of 83. A singer, actor, dancer and choreographer from Nut Bush, Tennessee. He died of a chronic disease at his home in Switzerland.

24. BJ Ayoung: News of his death on June 4th. BJ of Afreeca TV, died in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. 24. BJ Ayoung: News of his death on June 4th. BJ of Afreeca TV, died in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

관련 글 : https://blog.naver.com/celluside/223151554905 관련 글 : https://blog.naver.com/celluside/223151554905

[Ezan] The last scene of BJ’s death in Cambodia yesterday, if you don’t know about BJ’s death, please refer to the following two articles (Sentence below) 1) blog.naver.com [Ezan] If you don’t know about BJ’s death in Cambodia yesterday, please refer to the following two articles (Sentence below) blog.naver.com

25. Park Soo-ryong: He died on June 11 at the age of 29. Korean musical actor. He fell down on the stairs of his house and fell into a brain-dead state, and eventually couldn’t get up. 25. Park Soo-ryong: He died on June 11 at the age of 29. Korean musical actor. He fell down on the stairs of his house and fell into a brain-dead state, and eventually couldn’t get up.

26. Lim Ji-hye: He died on June 18 at the age of 37. Racing models, actors, and Internet broadcasters. The attempted suicide is broadcast live online in the bathroom at home with YouTube streaming turned on. A week later, he died on June 18. 26. Lim Ji-hye: He died on June 18 at the age of 37. Racing models, actors, and Internet broadcasters. The attempted suicide is broadcast live online in the bathroom at home with YouTube streaming turned on. A week later, he died on June 18.

27. Choi Sung-bong: He died on June 20 at the age of 33. A former popella singer known through Korea Got Talent in 2011. He claimed to have fought cancer at the age of 31, and was called Pol Pot in Korea. One fact was that he tried a deliberate fraud crime to obtain continuous sponsorship in the name of fighting cancer, and after the fake cancer disease was revealed, he was virtually kicked out of the entertainment industry and collapsed, and later died on June 20, 2023. 27. Choi Sung-bong: He died on June 20 at the age of 33. A former popella singer known through Korea Got Talent in 2011. He claimed to have fought cancer at the age of 31, and was called Pol Pot in Korea. One fact was that he tried a deliberate fraud crime to obtain continuous sponsorship in the name of fighting cancer, and after the fake cancer disease was revealed, he was virtually kicked out of the entertainment industry and collapsed, and later died on June 20, 2023.

28. Park Kyu-chae: He died on July 1 at the age of 84. Korean actor. 28. Park Kyu-chae: He died on July 1 at the age of 84. Korean actor.

29. Lee Ji-soo: He died on July 6 at the age of 30. Korean comedian. death from illness. 29. Lee Ji-soo: He died on July 6 at the age of 30. Korean comedian. death from illness.

30. Yoon Ki-joon died on August 15 at the age of 91. Yoon Suk Yeol President’s father (Honorary Professor of Applied Statistics at Yonsei University) 30. Yoon Ki-joon died on August 15 at the age of 91. Yoon Suk Yeol President’s father (Honorary Professor of Applied Statistics at Yonsei University)

31. Yevgeny Prigozin: Died on August 23 at the age of 62. the founder of Wagner Group. He was killed in a Wagner Group plane crash. 31. Yevgeny Prigozin: Died on August 23 at the age of 62. the founder of Wagner Group. He was killed in a Wagner Group plane crash.

32. Byun Hee-bong: He died on September 18 at the age of 81. An actor who was a voice actor in South Korea. Park Hee-bong in the movie “Monster,” Koo Hee-bong in “Memories of Murder” (directed by Bong Jun-ho, whose names all use his own name), died after fighting a disease caused by a recurrence of pancreatic cancer. 32. Byun Hee-bong: He died on September 18 at the age of 81. An actor who was a voice actor in South Korea. Park Hee-bong in the movie “Monster,” Koo Hee-bong in “Memories of Murder” (directed by Bong Jun-ho, whose names all use his own name), died after fighting a disease caused by a recurrence of pancreatic cancer.

33. Noh Yong-guk: He died on September 18 at the age of 74. Korean actor and singer. In 1988, she married Seo Gap-sook. After divorcing in 1997, she suddenly died of a heart attack in 2006 while remarrying to her hair designer Ahn Young-soon. 33. Noh Yong-guk: He died on September 18 at the age of 74. Korean actor and singer. In 1988, she married Seo Gap-sook. After divorcing in 1997, she suddenly died of a heart attack in 2006 while remarrying to her hair designer Ahn Young-soon.

34. Kim Young-ho: A former South Korean reporter and far-right YouTuber. On October 12, he jumped out of a hotel in Haeundae, Busan. 34. Kim Young-ho: A former South Korean reporter and far-right YouTuber. On October 12, he jumped out of a hotel in Haeundae, Busan.

35. Li Keqiang: Died at the age of 68 on October 27. the seventh Prime Minister of the State Council of China. He died suddenly during a break in Shanghai. (Heart attack) It’s too early to die naturally. 35. Li Keqiang: Died at the age of 68 on October 27. the seventh Prime Minister of the State Council of China. He died suddenly during a break in Shanghai. (Heart attack) It’s too early to die naturally.

36. Metupery: He died on October 28 at the age of 54. Canadian actor and director. He played Chandler in the drama Friends. In 2022, the five senses of life and death caused by the abuse of opioids, a narcotic painkiller. Found drowned in Jacuzzi, his residence, on October 28, 2023. (Acute side effects of narcotics ketamine) 36. Metupery: He died on October 28 at the age of 54. Canadian actor and director. He played Chandler in the drama Friends. In 2022, the five senses of life and death caused by the abuse of opioids, a narcotic painkiller. Found drowned in Jacuzzi, his residence, on October 28, 2023. (Acute side effects of narcotics ketamine)

37. HEATH: Died at the age of 55 on October 29. He died of colorectal cancer. X-Japan bassist. 37. HEATH: Died at the age of 55 on October 29. He died of colorectal cancer. X-Japan bassist.

38. Charlie Park: Died on November 6, aged 68. The father of Jeongjin (Park Chunjae). A former South Korean singer and saxophonist. He died after a long battle with the disease. 38. Charlie Park: Died on November 6, aged 68. The father of Jeongjin (Park Chunjae). A former South Korean singer and saxophonist. He died after a long battle with the disease.

39. Oh Chang-hoon: On November 14, he died at the age of 47. “Group One-Two Member” (Singer) died while fighting a disease despite receiving the 8th dose of colorectal cancer anticancer drug. 39. Oh Chang-hoon: On November 14, he died at the age of 47. “Group One-Two Member” (Singer) died while fighting a disease despite receiving the 8th dose of colorectal cancer anticancer drug.

40. Rosalyn Carter: November Died on the 19th Died at the age of 96. the wife of the 39th President Jimmy Carter. 40. Rosalyn Carter: November Died on the 19th Died at the age of 96. the wife of the 39th President Jimmy Carter.

41. Charlie Manger: Died November 28 at the age of 99. an American lawyer-turned-businessman and investor. He died of old age and died just a month before his 100th birthday. Like Warren Buffett, he is a value investor. “All wise investments are value investments. “Unlike Burfik, investors were active in real estate investment. 41. Charlie Manger: Died November 28 at the age of 99. an American lawyer-turned-businessman and investor. He died of old age and died just a month before his 100th birthday. Like Warren Buffett, he is a value investor. “All wise investments are value investments. “Unlike Burfik, investors were active in real estate investment.

42. Lee Sung-kyun: He died on December 27 at the age of 48. Korean actor. Actor Lee Sung-kyun was found dead by police after inhaling lightning bullets in a silver car parked in a parking lot on Seongbuk Yehyangjae Street near Waryong Park in Jongno-gu, Seoul at around 10:30 a.m. on December 27, 2023. At first, reports of unconsciousness were reported in the preliminary report, but it was confirmed that he eventually died. Just before his death, Lee Sung-kyun had several detailed tests on his hair and body hair, but there were many reports that both were negative and virtually failed to secure physical evidence. At the same time, Lee Sung-kyun accused the head of the entertainment store of blackmailing and intimidating, saying he was blackmailed by the blackmailers and blackmailed a large amount of money. 42. Lee Sung-kyun: He died on December 27 at the age of 48. Korean actor. Actor Lee Sung-kyun was found dead by police after inhaling lightning bullets in a silver car parked in a parking lot on Seongbuk Yehyangjae Street near Waryong Park in Jongno-gu, Seoul at around 10:30 a.m. on December 27, 2023. At first, reports of unconsciousness were reported in the preliminary report, but it was confirmed that he eventually died. Just before his death, Lee Sung-kyun had several detailed tests on his hair and body hair, but there were many reports that both were negative and virtually failed to secure physical evidence. At the same time, Lee Sung-kyun accused the head of the entertainment store of blackmailing and intimidating, saying he was blackmailed by the blackmailers and blackmailed a large amount of money.

43. Lee Jae-rok: He died on December 31 at the age of 80. the founder of the Manmin Central Church. He died while fighting terminal colon cancer. 43. Lee Jae-rok: He died on December 31 at the age of 80. the founder of the Manmin Central Church. He died while fighting terminal colon cancer.

May the deceased rest in peace from the bottom of my heart. May the deceased rest in peace from the bottom of my heart.

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